Sunday, July 1, 2012


Ok,let me begin with I work A LOT. I am a mother of two, a teenage daughter, and a severely handicapped 18 year old son. My husband is a stay at home dad, raising children that aren't even biologically his. He has been doing this since they were 5 and 8. Our son is still in diapers, so child care is almost impossible. Meanwhile their biological father hasn't paid any child support in a year, and nothing of merit for 6 years. To keep our heads above water and off of all government assistance, I have to work three jobs. Thank goodness I work in accounting, so at least I get to sit behind a computer for these jobs. So now you know a little about me. I am going to share with you things that I find to save money, and just get through the day.

What made me decide to start some serious changes to to my life was my dryer taking the great kaput! Maybe kaput is a harsh word, she still tumbles her little heart out, she just won't heat up. At any rate, dryer stops drying. Well, I decided that was it, I wasn't replacing it. I live where there is no real winter to speak of, so first I got a clothes line....

So now I have decided, maybe I can get rid of things like paying an electric bill to heat the dryer. At this point I go Google-ing, and find I can make my own laundry soap with three simple ingredients.

#1 1 cup Borax
#2 1 cup Washing Soda
#3 1/3 of a bar of Zote Soap (grated on a cheese grater)

B, my husband, grated the soap while I measured and mixed the ingredients. It took about 3 minutes. I tested it out first still using downy fabric softener because I had it, and the clothes were hanging dry. Wow what an amazing job it did. My son's clothes are hard to get clean and fresh and they did. I am throwing my clothes in the non heating dryer just as they finish drying, it helps to fluff them. I am so happy with the results. And only about $.01 a load. So I'm one step closer to not having to work constantly. I have so many other things I want to try and I am looking forward to sharing them with you.

And here is my finished product...